Tuesday, 17 February 2009

I have nothing to say

Really, nothing interesting to say I am sure. So what is the point of a blog? Is anyone going to read this? And if so are they going to care about the details of my lovely little life? Oh well, as long as I am here I may as well get the basics out of the way...

About me:

I am a 37 year old woman. Married, 2 kids. I married the love of my life at far too young an age, and have no regrets whatsoever. We have been blissfully married for just a couple months shy of 19 years now and I am pleased to report it just keeps getting better and better. The kids aren't so much kids anymore - I have an 18 year old son and a 15 year old daughter. I think they are both incredibly groovy.

I work as an office manager for a small sales office of an international company. My office covers the Europe, Middle East and Africa region. I have the worlds most boring job and I hate it with an absolute passion. But, I am very good at it and they adore me here. I am sticking it out for the time being while I find something better. I made a huge mistake when I took this job last year and knew I had done so almost immediately. But I had left a job I actually loved in order to find something that would give me more opportunity. I turned down 4 other jobs searching for the right one but in the end I panicked and took what was on the face of it at least mildly interesting the the opportunity to learn something new. No panicking next time, and no rash decisions.

Interests... cake decorating, politics and World of Warcraft. But as I have no intention of creating a cake decorating or WoW blog and certainly not anything political there probably isn't a whole lot of point in telling you those. People are generally very happy with the cakes I make them, I am the secretary for the local branch of my political party and I spend far to many hours each day WoW-ing, currently on my tauren death knight, but often on my blood elf rogue and occasionally on my undead mage or dranai shaman.

My favourite part of each work day- the drive home. I call my other half and chat to him most of the way. Actually, sometimes we have absolutely nothing to say but "I love you". I might even like that the best when we don't have anything to say but we share a comfortable silence just being with each other on the telephone as we drive home. It's silly, but I love it.

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